Sunday, May 23, 2010


i am useless.
i am ignorant.

i wish to improve.
if i got money i could buy many books to increase my knowledge.
well, my pocket money is not allowing me to buy those books.
because every book is above 100.
i want to borrow book from the school library.
but my school is too small and the books is limited to lend.
besides those useful books cannot lend out is due to some people would not take good care of it.


why the number of library is limited in our country.
why i did not appreaciate the time when i was in singapore??
why i did not visit the library just nearby my place that time??


Thursday, May 13, 2010

pirated stitch

CdCover for Digital Art..

today we got our poster of history of GD back.
i got 78%.
i thought i can get higher than 78.
the comments are good and nice still cannot get 80 plus-.-
hmm...gambate ne...

Monday, May 10, 2010


當穿著formal wear present的時候,就想起愛莉絲,joey.
今天花些時間在電腦前,想起以前和peiwen,kylie&渣一起玩online game的時候...
還想和他們一起玩玩online game...
自從在新加坡有段時間沒有接觸到網絡開始,我已經不再時常on msn了...
還有也想念和ashley san一起去學日文的時候...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Final Artworkss

(Typography_Wonders Of Food)

(Typography_Wonders Of Food)

(Typography_Roots Of Typography)

(History Of GD_ITS Style)

Today finished all presentation.
i was too confidence on myself. My speech is not good enough...
i will improve it next time.
its lucky i still got a good comment from angel.
not bad. gambate ne!!

affected mood

I wonder if the drama’s ending had affected my mood.
When I wake up this morning I felt sad.
This morning I discovered two black color spiders, and the basin is blocked. These affected my mood greater. After shower, I went down and wait for my housemate to go to school.
Well, this scene made my mood got worse.
The living room is very messy.
I felt boring with those familiar situations when I was at the printing shop with my classmates nearby my college.
I saw how they were rushing at last minutes for the assignments.
I saw how someone complained, nagged about his study.
I know sometimes we might not complete our assignment on time because we are out of idea.
I can understand.
But what I cannot understand is why people complain as they don’t give their efforts on their works.
In class, some people talked loud about their other subjects’ work when the lecturer was giving talk.
I really wish to have classmates like what lecturer told when he studied overseas.
I wish to have motivated classmates. I wish to have classmates that are willing to share their knowledge. Be serious while learning, enjoy while playing.
I need improvement.
Sigh, they still need people to push on their work, take care of their stuff.
They always upset that nobody concern about them.
What the…
I don’t have responsibility to take care of your thing!
I passed to you when I bought for you, that’s end of my responsibility!
You have passed 18 years old don’t you know how to take care of just 2 sheets of papers?
And what have you done for your assignment before? How come you seem like you don’t have any memories about it?
What were you doing?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Twisting feelings in ME

Today is our applied design final presentation.
It feels good when I see all classmates’ works in the class.
It is really touching when I see the artworks that passed through 14th weeks come out finally.
It feels happy and pleased when someone approbates your work.
I was nervous when Ena came to me.
I almost cry when I heard what she said.
Ena:”nice,interesting,looks professional, and time management is good, research is good.”
I was thinking that a good designer can come out an idea without seeing the other works.
Now I realized is wrong.
I told Ena what I was thinking she replied ‘NO’
She said to come out a good work you have to see other works how good other people work how they played with the composition and color combination!
Finally I came out with my own artwork T_T
There is no reason when Ena said that my time management is good I think of Irving.
He really taught me a lot.
Yes!! Happy and satisfied with lecturer praises!!
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