Monday, January 24, 2011

my Life

It is time to open my heart to myself.
I will become depressed one day if I still keep it inside.
I always wished that I could break the past two semester GPA record.
I will be relieved if I could get 3.00 GPA which is rated as good.
However first semester’s result was 2.99.
It is just the slightly difference of 0.01.
The second semester I dropped 0.03 in the result. *helpless*
When the third semester started I was like the soul is not with me.
I was so stressed that I cannot catch up.
I thought I will remain the same situation that I could not make a breakthrough in the result.
Despite how is the result outcome; I keep work hard on my study.
As Deanie(Lovely Lecturer) said, I have a very positive attitude in many things.(she asked my classmates to learn from this kind of attitude) 
Well, somewhile this positive attitude bothers me.
I feel like not normal with the rational and positive. 
I feel sorry all the time to my mother because of my positive attitude.
Last semester when I got the result slip from madam hand I was excited!
It was 3.56. I just wished I could get 3.00 but I never thought that I could get 3.5.
Wow! I cannot wait to tell my parents especially my mother!
My mother was sick that time I wished that this good news will comfort her and help her mood.
I miss her so much.
I am glad for her that she finally can relief from pain forever.
I am sad that I am so late want to take good care of her.
Should I beg to go back to the time when I was 7?
I shall, if for my selfish. I shall not, for her good.
This is life. I learnt a lesson.
Life is about appreciation.
Appreciate what you have and what you don’t have.
I do not want to have anymore regrets in my life.
I want to go home and see my father faster.
I want to bring my DSLR back and take photos with my family 
I am so regret that I didn’t bring it back on November to take photo with mama 
Want to call her mama again badly 
The new semester has started.
This is the third week of the new semester and I am still in the holiday mood.
I have done nothing in these three days.
Although I am worried for my research and sketches, I take no actions.
I surely know that I need to pay for it!
Laziness fills me up!

I have been thinking of the theme for the book design.
I am indecisively about the Michael Kors.
I just worry that whether if the information could be found easily from the websites.
Ah! Suddenly I am thinking of showing my assignments to my baba.
I want to let him know that what I am studying about.
He always worries about my future of the course I am taking.
I think he should be relieved if he knows more about my study.

I used to like the New Year songs.
This year is different.
The sentimental fill me up when I heard the melody.
I know that I will not feel happy in the future when I heard the New Year song like I used to be.
It is time to grow up.
Life goes on and I will be tough to face everything. :)

1 comment:

  1. 我以为你之前写的是婆婆还是外婆,原来是妈妈。


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